Extended Resume

Cate Leach(She/They)


@calleach_art on Instagram


B.A., Studio Art and Art History, Willamette University, Salem, Oregon, Expected 2023, GPA:3.88

Study abroad Program in Material Culture, University of Galway, Galway, Ireland, Spring 2022


College Honors, Willamette University, 2019-2023

Dean's Scholarship, Willamette University, 2019-2023

Jason Lee Award, Willamette University, 2019-2023


Public Relations Membership Assistant | Hallie Ford Museum of Art

August 2021 to December 2021 

  • Formatted digital advertising and distributed physical advertising for several exhibitions, including "Time In Place: Northwest Art From The Permanent Collection" and "Claudia Cave: Interiors and Interiority"

  • Researched and analyzed admissions and membership information of museums across the country

  • Contacted newspapers and other websites to set up classified ads 

Intern | Hallie Ford Museum of Art

September 2020 to May 2021 

  • Assisted Curator Jonathan Bucci in unpacking, accessioning, photographing, and labeling new art, including the Willem and Diane Volkersz gift to the museum.

  • Became the expert at the museum on the Willem and Diane Volkersz Gift, which consisted of over 50 pieces of outsider art from across the United States.

  • Began the process of adding the museum's collections to Google Arts and Culture.


Senior Art Thesis Exhibition, Hallie Ford Museum of Art, Salem, OR, 2023

6th Annual juried Art Show, Willamette University, Salem, OR, 2023

Zenafest Performance Art Exhibition, Willamette University, Salem, OR, 2021

End of Semester Show, Willamette University, Salem, OR, 2021


Tutor | Global Partners For Student Success | Willamette University

November 2020 to May 2021 

  • Helped refugee students at a local high school and community college with homework, building study habits, and adjusting to life in the United States.

  • Learned how to communicate with people who have limited English skills effectively. 

  • Designed end-of-the-year certificates for the students. 


Hard Skills 

  • Traditional Arts

    • Perspective drawing

    • Printmaking (linocut, monotype, etching) 

    • Drawing (pen, graphite, charcoal, ink)

    • Painting( oil, acrylic)

    • Sculpture (clay, metal, wood, cardboard)

  • Digital

    • Google Suite: drive, sheets

    • Adobe: Premiere,Photoshop

    • Procreate

  • Other 

    • Artwork installation

    • Artwork handling

    • Hand Lettering

    • Sewing (machine and by hand)

    • Knitting,textile work

    • Dance training(modern, contemporary, jazz, ballet, hip hop, tap, lyrical)  

    • Choreographic training(modern, contemporary, jazz)


  • Research

  • Art historical training in ancient, medieval, renaissance, and modern art. 

  • Effective communication

  • Team building 

  • Adaptability